Artwork in process
My art is my dreaming. It is my spiritual nourishment, part of my spiritual practice, mysterious, magical and essential. When I am painting I immerse myself in the light, the colours and the feelings and dance in the flow of it all!
Although I was always drawing as a child, and studied art through high school, my initiation as an artist occurred in my mid twenties when I was studying counselling, psychotherapy and healing. During that year, I had a profound dream about god and the cosmos, which changed everything for me. My teachers on the course encouraged me to paint the dream—not something I had ever done before. I couldn’t get my head around it—it didn’t make sense to paint one image of an epic dream. So the only way to do it was to create from the feeling of it, the essence of it from the heart, rather than the logical mind. That was the real beginning of my art.
Now, all I am interested in painting is the sacred, in all its glorious forms. I love all the spiritual traditions and art from all religions. I want to bring forth the sacred, mystical, beautiful, transcendent, contemplative, meditative, archetypal, sacramental, experiential reality and remembrance of the divine.
I completed a Degree in Textile Design only because I was not accepted into Fine Art! However, the design elements have remained strong in my work to date. I did include all the fine art electives available in my course at the time…and have since participated in various workshops or short courses to develop my art skills.
I have had one solo exhibition and been in a few group exhibitions.
I also have a Diploma in Counselling, Healing and Psychotherapy, Certificate in Yoga Therapy and various other qualifications in spiritual development, colour therapy, astrology, aromatherapy, bodywork and more that all contribute to my art and other work.
I work to support my art habit—see Jo Voight Counselling and Jo Voight Bookkeeping.
Check my home page for upcoming events, workshops or stalls.
Use my images for healing, awakening, inspiration and uplifting. Contact me if you would like to use images in your business, or better still, commission me for a personalised piece. I hope you enjoy the images.